Friday, January 15, 2010

I've Missed the Pottery Wheel

It's been too long since my last post.
My ceramic time over the past several months has been consumed with filling an order of 32 SQUARE plates and bowls. I must confess that I didn't realize how difficult this project was going to be. I ended handbuilding over 60 pieces to end up with the final 8 place settings that I was satisfied with. I learned so much from making square foot rings, to shrink rates, to how glaze color can differ when a kiln is overloaded. A good experience and I'm glad I stuck with it, but it sure felt good this past weekend to finally turn my wheel back on. These are my pieces from the weekend. 6 rice bowls, 6 tea cups, 4 mugs with handles, 6 cups with no handles, 8 bowls of various sizes with largest 12" in diameter, plus a small vase and large lidded jar. They are ready for the bisque fire tomorrow.